Inspiring Videos
Pay It Forward
2:42 AM
Pay It Forward
is a random acts of kindness by which a person makes a deliberate attempt to
brighten another person's day by doing something thoughtful, nice, and caring.
Kindness is a way of showing others that they are cared and that, even in the
face of hostility and selfishness, you're making a stand for kindness.
By doing kind acts for others, you're helping to create kindness-aware communities that value generosity of spirit, action, and kindness toward others as essential parts of a healthy community.
This is also propounded by the principle "Treat others as
you would like to be treated yourself". The world has gotten itself into a big rush and forgotten
how to be kind to one another. Let us try to be a ray of hope in this world whether
it's by helping a stranger, sharing a smile, or sharing laughter. Your random
act of kindness may have touched one’s heart but you’ll be surprised on how
many times it can spread.
source: MotivationUs @ youtube